thinkSRSD’s Data
Over 25 Schools & Districts Climbing High!
Every year, schools partnering with thinkSRSD who take equivalent assessments as prior year see astonishing gains. We collect this data from as many of our schools as we can. Bottom tier schools rise to top tier. Schools rise over 350 levels in state rankings. Both students and teachers transform. When adopting a new initiative, we can’t encourage you enough to look at data, not just on the program, but from schools working with your PD provider. Below is thinkSRSD’s exclusive data from those schools that have tracked their data after partnering with thinkSRSD.
School Turn Arounds, after working with thinkSRSD
Worcester Arts Magnet School, MA
Click here Since beginning to partner with thinkSRSD, this urban school became a top performing in MA, and went on to win the ESEA National Distinguished School Award
Hambden County, TN
Lincoln Heights rose nearly 200 rankings in TN to become a top gain school in the state after having been in the state’s lowest category of performance, and won the statewide award for this progress made.
Nancy Loud School, Rochester, NH
Weymouth, MA
Hamilton School began SRSD in 2015, then rose nearly 350 levels after one year of working with thinkSRSD, surpassing their highest scores ever and maintaining the bulk of this gain over time.
thinkSRSD’s Latest News
Keep up to date on all the latest advances in SRSD with thinkSRSD’s blogShow Off When You Show Up!
Recently during an SRSD lesson, the teacher had students work independently, each choosing to revise a current draft or give peer feedback depending on where they were at in the writing process. In a preceding mini lesson, the class had just carefully reviewed an...
Teach SRSD Virtually
SRSD Goes Virtual! Well - I’m guessing none of us had worldwide pandemic on our 2020 Bingo card, but here we are! Since many of us are gearing up for full or hybrid virtual instruction, here are some tips to keep SRSD #GoingStrong!Get Ready - Aim for students to...
Embed Sentence Lessons
You’ve all seen writing from students who struggle at the sentence (syntax/grammar) level – full of fragments, run ons, missing punctuation, unclear ideas etc. Are you wondering what the most powerful, evidence-based and time-efficient approaches are for supporting...