SRSD Blog & Links

Show Off When You Show Up!
Recently during an SRSD lesson, the teacher had students work independently, each choosing to revise a current draft or give peer feedback depending on where they were at in the writing process. In a preceding mini lesson, the class had just carefully reviewed an...
Teach SRSD Virtually
SRSD Goes Virtual! Well - I’m guessing none of us had worldwide pandemic on our 2020 Bingo card, but here we are! Since many of us are gearing up for full or hybrid virtual instruction, here are some tips to keep SRSD #GoingStrong!Get Ready - Aim for students to...

Embed Sentence Lessons
You’ve all seen writing from students who struggle at the sentence (syntax/grammar) level – full of fragments, run ons, missing punctuation, unclear ideas etc. Are you wondering what the most powerful, evidence-based and time-efficient approaches are for supporting...

Real World Publishing
Guest blog by Heidi Poulin, Reading Specialist, Hatfield, MA Three years ago, our school embraced a new writing initiative - SRSD. We were fortunate enough to work with thinkSRSD to help launch and lead all of us through the implementation. As with any new,...

Collaborative Writes Quick Tune Ups
Guest blog post by Allison Lienert, who taught SRSD at Currey Ingram Academy in Brentwood, Tennessee Hear Allison Lienert's story of learning SRSD from thinkSRSD's team, then honing in on collaborative writes. After many years of teaching SRSD, she has great tips to...