SRSD Research

There have been over 140 empirical studies on SRSD, with 33 approaching or meeting the highest ESEA tier for evidence of effectiveness. These studies are listed below:
CitationYearDesignUrban; Sub; RuralElem;
Harris, K., Kim, Y., Yim, S., Camping, A. & Graham, S. (2023). Yes, they can: Developing transcription skills and oral language in tandem with SRSD instruction on close reading of science text to write informative essays at grades 1 and 2. Contemporary Educational Psychology, Volume 73. 2023RCTUGr 1-293Info1.02
McKeown, D., Wijekumar, K., Owens, J., Harris, K., Graham, S., Lei, P., & FitzPatrick, E.
(2023). Professional development for evidence-based SRSD writing instruction: Elevating fourth grade outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 73,
2023RCTGr 4418Pers.87
Collins, A. A., Ciullo, S., Graham, S., Sigafoos, L., Guerra, S., David, M., & Judd, L. (2021). Writing expository essays from social studies texts: a self-regulated strategy development study. Reading and Writing, 34, 1623–1651.2021RCTGr 3280Info.72
Hisgen, S., Barwasser, A., Wellmann, T., & Grunke, M. (2020). The Effects of a Multicomponent Strategy Instruction on the Argumentative
Writing Performance of Low-Achieving secondary students. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal 18(1), 93-110
Ray, A. B., Graham, S., Liu, X. (2020). A College Entrance Essay Exam Intervention for Students With High-Incidence Disabilities and Struggling Writers, Learning Disability Quarterly. 44(4), 275-287.2020RCTS/RS10Arg4.86
Wissinger, D. R., De La Paz, S., & Jackson, C. (2020). The effects of historical reading and writing strategy instruction with fourth-through sixth-grade students. Journal of Educational Psychology.2020QuasiUE309Arg0.59
McKeown, D., FitzPatrick, E., Brown, M., Brindle, M., Owens, J., & Hendrick, R. (2019). Urban teachers’ implementation of SRSD for persuasive writing following practice-based professional development: Positive effects mediated by compromised fidelity. Reading and Writing, 32(6), 1483-1506.2019QuasiUE318Opinion0.15
Prata, M.J., de Sousa, B., Festas, I., & Oliveira, A.L (2019). Cooperative methods and self-regulated strategies development for argumentative writing. The Journal of Educational Research, 112(1) 12-272019QuasiS121Arg0.61
Limpo, Teresa, and Rui A Alves. “Tailoring Multicomponent Writing Interventions: Effects of Coupling Self-Regulation and Transcription Training.” Journal of learning disabilities 51.4 (2017): 381–3982018QuasiE430.71
Sartika, D., and Rachmanita. The Effect of Self-Regulated Strategy Development on Students’ Skill to Write Persuasive Text. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), 2(1) 2017QuasiS30Arg0.88
Mason, L. H., Cramer, A. M., Garwood, J. D., Varghese, C., Hamm, J., & Murray, A. Efficacy of Self-Regulated Strategy Development Instruction for Developing Writers With and Without Disabilities in Rural Schools: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 36(4), 168–179. 2017RCTRE308Opinion0.7
Washburn, E., Sielaff, C., & Golden, K. The Use of a Cognitive Strategy to Support Argument-Based Writing in a Ninth Grade Social Studies Classroom. Literacy Research and Instruction, 55(4), 353–374. 2016QuasiS51Pers0.64
Mastropieri M., Scruggs, T., Irby Cerar. N., Guckert, M., Thompson, C.,... and Cuenca-Carlino, Y. Strategies persuasive writing instruction for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Exceptionality, 23, 147-169. 2015RCTUS16Pers1.27
Harris, K. R, Graham, S., & Adkins, M. (2015). Practice-based professional development and self-regulated strategy development for Tier 2, at-risk writers in second grade. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 40, 5–16.  2015RCTUE27Story0.89
Festas, I., Oliveira, A. L., Rebelo, J. A., Damião, M. H., Harris, K., & Graham, S. (2015). Professional development in self-regulated strategy development: Effects on the writing performance of eighth grade Portuguese students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 40, 17–27.  2015QuasiUS214Argu0.73
Del Longo, S., Cisotto, L., Klein, P., Boscolo, P., Kirkpatrick, L., & Gelati, C. Writing to Argue: Writing as a Tool for Oral and Written Argumentation. In Writing as a Learning Activity (Vol. 28, Studies in Writing, pp. 15-43). 2014RCTS65Arg0.3
Limpo, T., & Alves, R. A. (2014). Implicit theories of writing and their impact on students’ response to a SRSD intervention. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(4), 571–590. doi:10.1111/ bjep.120422014QuasiE109Opinion0.15
Mason, L. H., Kubina, R. M., Kostewicz, D. E., Cramer, A. M., & Datchuk, S. Improving quick writing performance of middle-school struggling learners. Contemporary Educational Psychology,38(3), 236-246. 2013QuasiUS33Opinion0.79
Limpo, T., & Alves, R. A. Teaching planning or sentence-combining strategies: Effective SRSD interventions at different levels of written composition. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38(4), 2013QuasiUE39Opinion0.72
Harris, K. R., Lane, K. L., Graham, S., Driscoll, S. A., Sandmel, K., Brindle, M., & Schatschneider, C. (2012). Practice-based professional development for self-regulated strategies development in writing a randomized controlled study. Journal of Teacher Education, 63(2), 103-119.  2012RCTRE113Story0.77
Mason, L. H., Davison, M. D., Hammer, C. S., Miller, C. A., & Glutting, J. J. (2013). Knowledge, writing, and language outcomes for a reading comprehension and writing intervention. Reading and Writing, 26(7), 1133-1158.2012RCTU/RE29Inform0.83
Hacker, D., Dole, J., Ferguson, M., Adamson, S., Roundy, L., & Scarpulla, L. (2011). The short-term and long-term writing gains using self- regulated strategy development in middle school. Reading and Writing Quarterly 31(4):1-222015QuasiUS351Arg0.18
Lane, K. L., Harris, K., Graham, S., Driscoll, S., Sandmel, K., Morphy, P., ... & Schatschneider, C. (2011). Self-regulated strategy development at tier 2 for second-grade students with writing and behavioral difficulties: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 4(4), 322-353.2011RCTU/SE21Opinion1.66
De La Paz, S. & Felton, M. (2010). Reading and Writing from Multiple Source Documents in History: Effects of Strategy Instruction with Low to Average High School Writers. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 35, 174-192. 2010QuasiS81Hist Argu0.63
Eissa, M. A. (2009). The effectiveness of a program based on self-regulated strategy development on the writing skills of writing-disabled secondary school students. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 7, 5–24. 2009RCTS344.97
Tracy, B., Reid, R., & Graham, S. (2009). Teaching young students strategies for planning and drafting stories: The impact of self-regulated strategy development. Journal of Educational Research, 102(5), 323-331. 2009QuasiRE64Story0.26
Fidalgo, R., Torrance, M., & Garcia, J. N. (2008). The Long-Term Effects of Strategy-Focused Writing Instruction for Grade Six Students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, 672-693.2008QuasiSS56Exp0.68
Rogevich, M., & Perin, D. (2008). Effects on Science Summarization of a Reading Comprehension Interventino for Adolescents with Behavioral and Attentional Disorders. Exceptional Children, 74, 135-154.2008QuasiSS15Summary3.91
Wong, B. Y. L., Hoskyn, M., Jai, D., Ellis, P., & Watson, K. The comparative efficacy of two approaches to teaching sixth graders opinion essay writing. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, 757–784. 2008QuasiUE260.33
Glaser, C., & Brunstein, J. (2007). Improving Fourth-Grade Students' Composition Skills: Effects of Strategy Instruction and Self-Regulation Procedures, Journal of Educational Psychology, 99, 297-310.2007QuasiE41, 341.45
Torrance, M., Fidalgo, R., & Garcia, J.N. (2007). The teachability and effectiveness of cognitive self-regulation in sixth-grade writers. Learning and Instruction, 17, 265–285. 2007QuasiE71Exp0.7
Harris, K., Graham, S., & Mason, L. (2006). Improving the writing, knowledge, and motivation of struggling young writers: Effects of self-regulated strategy development with and without peer support. American Educational Research Journal, 43(2), 295-337.  2006RCTUE22Story0.87
Graham, S., Harris, K. R., & Mason, L. (2005). Improving the writing performance, knowledge, and self-efficacy of struggling young writers: The effects of self-regulated strategy development. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30(2), 207-241.2005RCTUE24Opinion2.42
De La Paz, S., & Graham, S. (2002). Explicitly Teaching Strategies, Skills, and Knowledge: Writing Instruction in Middle School Classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 291-304.2002QuasiSS30Exp1.71
Berninger, V., Vaughan, K., Abbott, R., Begay, K., Coleman, K. B., Curtin, G., ... Graham, S. (2002). Teaching spelling and composition alone and together: Implications for the simple view of writing. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(2), 291–304.  2002RCTUE241.64

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  thinkSRSD is the community of teachers and researchers who use and study SRSD. We offer SRSD in-person professional development and e-learning courses taught by teachers with decades of experience using SRSD. The teachers at thinkSRSD have taught SRSD courses for over 10 years, since offering the very first open enrollment course in SRSD in 2008.

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