On Demand Learning
To enroll in our state-of-the-art eLearning course, email info@thinkSRSD.com
think SRSD is the original online open-course professional development provider of SRSD. Our e-Learning resource package includes introductory and advanced lesson manuals that set you up to teach all elements of the writing process and all genres (informative, opinion and narrative). Our lesson videos were shot in expert real classrooms, K-12. We have just updated our course to include additional student-facing SRSD writing instruction lesson videos, sample essays and workbooks for students, all piloted in an IES research study.
As the leading authorities in SRSD school-focused implementation, we support you in not just learning, but in fully implementing the most current evidence-based SRSD writing instruction practices, and in implementing these in ways aligned with the latest literacy advances in our field.
What’s included?
More than just a resource and mentoring, you gain access to think SRSD’s national and international network of thousands of teachers using SRSD. Join us for discounted webinars, Zoom courses, private Facebook group & more.
Unlimited Live Mentoring
When schools enroll, we set up a timeline for live remote coaching, but also love to answer questions whenever they arise. We also connect you with teachers using thinkSRSD at your grade, and with your population.
Monthly National Network
To stay current with all the rapid advances in the field of SRSD writing, you will also have discounted access to our national network meetings. These are scheduled monthly, with additional meetings set as needed.
Current Topic Webinars
Join our webinars focused on topics such as scoring writing or using SRSD in math. Led by experts and attended by teachers all over USA, these webinars offer an easy way to stay connected and current.

Exemplars & Lesson Resources at Your Finger Tips!
We co-create and customize unit plans, lesson plans, tools, resources and more on a daily basis in the many schools we support. We provide sample exemplars that range from kindergartners writing about animals as pets up to essays on “Night” written collaboratively by high schoolers. We have adapted rubrics, self-talk memes and unit plans aligned to award winning literature texts.
Releasing Writers!

Classroom Proven K-12
Brand New! Ask us about our “Train the Trainer” coaches’ course as well – just out!
To purchase, email info@thinkSRSD.com
$199 for K-12 Course
Introductory course includes: lesson videos for every grade K-12, access to collections of lessons plans, advice videos, time with a mentor as / after you learn and a desk copy of the "Releasing Writers" manual. Group discounts available.
Terms & Conditions, Privacy, Cancellation & Refund Policies. Your card will be charged by thinkAUM. Full refund available to individuals purchasing single use courses, if courses do not meet your standards.
About Us
thinkSRSD is the community of teachers and researchers who use and study SRSD. We offer SRSD in-person professional development and e-learning courses taught by teachers with decades of experience using SRSD. The teachers at thinkSRSD have taught SRSD courses for over 10 years, since offering the very first open enrollment course in SRSD in 2008.
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